If you’ve stumbled upon to our about page, you may have seen the few fun facts about us on our website.. but here are 10 more things you might not know even if you know us!
In no particular order…
- We are both left-handed!
- Our kitchen is yellow and blue, and because of that, we buy every kitchen gadget that’s yellow and blue! And by blue and yellow I don’t mean soft shades… I mean BRIGHT blue and yellow.. like it may take a second for your eyes to adjust if you ever have the chance to visit.
- We talk in movie quotes, like all the time. Especially from Easy A and Pitch Perfect…. So where are you from originally? (If you got that quote.. we already love you).
- We fight over who gets to eat the chips that are folded over themselves! I mean they have the BEST crunch! And by fight over we mean that Michael sets those aside for me, even though he loves them too, and that’s what I call love.
- We spend our Saturdays doing random projects around our house but never have them finished by Monday. We currently have 3 projects going on… but we probably won’t finish those until we’ve started another 4. (We just re-painted one room in our house for the third time in 3 years…)
- We are EXTREMELY indecisive. If we disagree on something, instead of a monetary bet, we bet choices. The loser has to make the next big decision, like what to eat that night. Recently we saw Olivia Wilde on a commercial and we bet that she was a character on House… Let’s just say Michael had to decide on the next movie we watched..
- We vacation at our parent’s home in the Outer Banks.. regularly. 2 hours away from open beaches, fresh duck donuts, and no responsibilities? We are there..
- Our parents live less than a mile way from each other. Which made it really easy to walk to each other’s houses in high school.. and even nicer when sharing holidays and vacation time now.
- We are die hard Costco shoppers. We sit with a large swirl frozen yogurt, two spoons, and watch people walk out with their carts full of random goodness. 10 pounds of chicken, 4 giant containers of peanut butter, and an over sized stuffed animal. We laugh at the random combination and then look at our own cart… 4 dozen eggs, a pack of 100 batteries, and a rotisserie chicken. Hilarious.
- We want to own a farm, raising chickens, goats, and many more animals, in the not too distant future.

Follow our instagram accounts @michael_w_archer and @laura_d_archer and you’ll probably see at least a few of these this weekend…
We know we are weird, so let us know which one you think is strangest, or if you share in our obviously correct opinion.
Let's be friends
photographers in love, for people in love